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Boabs and Bottle Trees with Attila Kapitany
17 June 2017 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
$20 – $25Boabs and Bottle Trees: Join Attila Kapitany as we marvel at these majestic and spectacular giants of the Australian continent, some grotesque and monstrous, others appearing in need of a hug. Much of the presentation will show trees in habitat but with regular reference to cultivation and numerous pictures to support their incredible potential in landscape gardening and design. While some people are aware that Australia has the Queensland bottle tree (Brachychiton rupestris), most aren’t aware of several other species within the genus that also develop bottle-shaped trunks, such as Brachychiton compactus. This is a much rarer and much more spectacular species, primarily in that its flowers are large and the canopy luxuriant. Even rarer new species will be shown as part of the presentation. Though not bottle trees, some other classic favourite Brachychitons will also be covered e.g. Brachychiton acerifolius and B. populneus.
Start your day at Cranbourne with Attila’s earlier talk on Australian Succulents and make sure you drop by the bookshop for one of his many excellent books.
Venue: Australian Garden Auditorium, Cranbourne Gardens
Cnr Ballarto Rd and Botanic Drive, Cranbourne
Melway Map 133 G10
Program for the day
10 – 10:30 am Attila in Gardens Shop
10:30 am Attila in Auditorium for morning tea, also to chat to people
11:00 am – 12 noon Attila’s talk on Australian Succulents
12:30 – 1 pm Attila in Gardens Shop
1:00 – 1:45 pm Lunchtime
1:45 – 2 pm Attila in Auditorium to chat to people
2:00 – 3 pm Attila’s talk on Boabs & Bottle Trees
3:00 – 3:30 pm Attila in Auditorium for afternoon tea, also to chat to people
3:30 – 4:00 pm Attila in Gardens Shop
Cost: Morning (talk & refreshments): Members $20 Non-members $25 Students $10;
Afternoon (talk & refreshments): Members $20 Non-members $25 Students $10;
Both Talks (includes refreshmentsJ Members $30 Non-members $40 Students $15
Bookings are essential: go to Friends of Cranbourne, click on Events and scroll down to A day with Attila Kapitany – Australian Succulents and Boabs, and Bottle Trees to download a Booking Form.